What is Art Therapy ?
A personal perspective.
Gerry Skews
Art Therapy
There are dozens of definitions of "Art Therapy" and how it can change your life fundamentally and forever. Every time I read an explanation I actually read an opinion and I see some limited evidence of the good that it does. Truth is, anything that makes you feel better, more restful, more mindful has got to be good. (ask any Buddhist or drug addict). Personally I have a background in engineering and science. I need facts and I need evidence in order to find personal achievement. My mind gets easily clogged, with so much detritus of so many years of so many viewpoints, perspectives including claimed and perceived truths that it occasionally fails to function efficiently. Sometimes I feel its needs unblocking. I don't consider myself to be mentally ill, I consider myself to be totally normal, (others may disagree), I just need something to help me "dissolve those blockages". I liken it to flow rate, pressure and volume, when obstructed my mind fails to perform through turbulence, is this a social disease or as normal as a faulty machine or blocked drain? I don't know, I don't care. I do know that in order for me to feel good I need to do good, and in order to do good I need clear thought, focus and motivation. While I am rubbish at "art", it deflects and diffuses my thoughts, I enjoy it enormously, and get lost in its detail. Developing medical and scientific products and technologies that help other people has been my punishment in this life probably for heinous sins of a previous one. But now, as time passes, thoughts turn to mental wellbeing - I reckon prevention is better than cure and, to that extent Art Therapy is purely prophylactic. I am normal, and I will live forever, Entropy will see to that, but Art will be my guide to illumination.